Blockstream Jade - Hardware - Choose your wallet

Blockstream Jade is a fully open-source, self-custody Bitcoin and Liquid asset hardware wallet that secures your keys offline with Blockstream Green

  1. Personal:

    • Daily Mindfulness Practice: Commit to practicing mindfulness or meditation every day to enhance mental clarity, reduce stress, and cultivate a greater sense of well-being.

    • Physical Fitness Goal: Set a specific fitness goal, such as running a certain distance, completing a fitness challenge, or improving strength and flexibility through regular exercise.

    • Learning a New Skill: Dedicate time each week to learning something new, whether it's a language, a musical instrument, painting, or cooking.

  2. Family:

    • Scheduled Family Time: Make a resolution to prioritize spending quality time together as a family by scheduling regular activities like game nights, movie nights, or outdoor adventures.

    • Effective Communication: Focus on improving communication within the family by actively listening, expressing gratitude, and resolving conflicts peacefully.

    • Shared Goals: Identify common goals or projects that the family can work on together, such as starting a garden, volunteering in the community, or planning a family vacation.

  3. Professional:

    • Career Development Plan: Develop a clear plan for advancing in your career, whether it involves acquiring new skills, seeking additional training or certifications, or pursuing opportunities for mentorship and professional growth.

    • Work-Life Balance: Set boundaries to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life, such as establishing dedicated work hours, taking regular breaks, and prioritizing self-care.

    • Networking and Relationship Building: Make a resolution to expand your professional network by attending industry events, joining professional associations, and reaching out to colleagues for mentorship or collaboration opportunities.

Last updated